Saturday 14 January 2012

American Gods

Yesterday I finished my 3rd book of the challenge. "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman.

After a bit of a slow start, I couldn't put it down. It's the story of a man called Shadow who is released from prison and ends up journeying across America with a man called Wednesday and meeting lots of shadowy defunct gods who live on the periphery of society. With a VERY dramatic ending.

I've read a few of his books and have always enjoyed them. He is one of my favourite authors. I also have his "Graveyard Book" to read this year.

Very Good, Neil Gaiman, Well done.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Response to Comment

I feel that I have to respond to Meldujour's comment on my last post about reading books on my mobile.

When I was looking for a new phone my criteria were:

Smart phone
Have to have internet access

Must have a camera
Must be able to get twitter
Has to have a reader app

The reader app was important because I would never have to be without a book or something to read. But sometimes, you can't take a book with you.
Meldujour has pointed out to me several times that I am rarely without a book so that argument does not hold water. (See her comment)

BUT I had that exact situation.
On Tuesday I went to a different office to work and because I had meetings, I wasn't sure if / when I would get a lunchbreak so I didn't take my book.  I did get a lunchbreak as it happened, but I had left my book at home and had nothing to read!!!

Luckily, I had my mobile phone with me with my reader app!!! So I was able to pass the time pleasantly reading even though I didn't have a book with me.

The pages are a sort of sepia colour so it's not like reading computer glare and the screen is quite big so it was pleasant enough to read on my phone. (All free books so I haven't broken my challenge.)

I rest my case.

Sunday 8 January 2012

13 days in -

 - and I'm two books down already. Yesterday I finished "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" which is a novel about a boy who goes to Wales after his Grandfather dies in Florida. I can't review it fully as I am passing it on to my sister to read and don't want to ruin it for her.

My book challenge has become more tricky as I have a new phone with a reader app on it.  It's calling out for me to download some books just in case I'm ever stuck somewhere without a book. But as Meldujour tells me (everytime I bring it up). I've always got a book with me.

I've also realised just how much I look at books, even if I'm not going to buy them. I work in the town centre and I almost always pop into Waterstones 'just for a look'. We have several cut price book shops and lots of charity shops as well. Not to mention supermarkets and book stalls on the market. And when I popped into the library (for a dvd) they were having a book sale!!  So i'm surrounded by books and can't buy any. Think of the money I'm saving.

My next book in "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman. I've enjoyed his books before and have a couple more of his on my shelves that I haven't read yet.

Wish me luck.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

100 books a year

In addition to my frugal book challenge, my best friend R suggested (And my sister M seconded) a further challenge of trying to read 100 books in a year.
I checked and the book I started on boxing day (the day I decided on the frugality challenge) counts in my 100 books.
I finished it last night.
99 more to go.
The book is "She Wolves" by Helen Castor and is an assessment of the lives and reigns of 4 of the medieval Queens of England.
The Queens in question are Matilda, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Isabella and Margaret of Anjou.
It galloped through 200 years of history and there was a lot of referring to the family trees (everyone is related about 4 time over and all had similar names) but I really enjoyed it and would definitely read more by Helen Castor.
VG, Helen Castor, Well Done.
My next book is Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.