Sunday 4 November 2012


I've not been blogging for a long time because I have been reading in an attempt to win a MAC make over from my best friend.

I am now on Book 82 which is "the Rapture" by Liz Jensen.

So far it is quite good, but I mainly chose it because it is relatively short. Length is becoming paramount now. I need the books to be short.

Since last blogging I have joined a wonderful book club called Marvellous readers which is held at the AWESOME vintage warehouse in Northampton - A Most Marvellous Place to Shop. Which is marvellous. And the cafe is gorgeous.

Last month we had a visit from a local author - Jane Isaac. She was lovely.

I have also taken up a weekly meditation class. Which is marvellous in a different way. It's run by the Buddhist Centre up at Kelmarsh and is a weekly treat for me.

So, my new social activities - VERY GOOD WELL DONE.